I’ve been working on my first Phoenix project recently. I found it very annoying to have to add an aliases for every model I want to interact with in iex. There’s an easier way…

What I was doing

Let’s say I want to view all the Articles in my database. I would load up iex by running ‘iex -S mix’ and then run:

alias MyApp.Repo
alias MyApp.Article

Using an .iex.exs file

I recently discovered that you can use a local .iex.exs project to set your aliases. For more on using an .iex.exs file, see the iex docs.

Create an .iex.exs file in the root of your project and add the aliases you need:

alias MyApp.Repo
alias MyApp.User
alias MyApp.Team
alias MyApp.Article

Now when you load up your iex shell using ‘iex -S mix’ your aliases will already be set. To view all the articles we can just run:



As of Elixir 1.2 you can alias multiple submodules in one call

alias MyApp.{Repo, User, Team, Article}